December 7, 2018

The Walking Dead Now TV Quiz


About The Walking Dead Quiz

I was given a design brief to design and build a quick quiz for NowTV. It was to consist of two questions and depending on the answer, you would get a wrong answer or a right answer.
I used Celtra to build the functionality.

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1. A walker is headed straight for you. You’ve grabbed a weapon, now what do you aim for?


2. You’ve got to sneak past a herd of zombies. How do you slip by unnoticed?


3. Your survivor buddy has a fever. What do you do?


4. You’re on the road – it’s getting dark and cold and you’re exhausted. Do you…


5. You’re starving when you spot a house. It could be full of food – but it’s chained up. What next?


6. You’ve dodged the walkers and found a settlement of survivors. But their leader gives you a bad feeling. What do you decide?

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